About Me

I’m Erin Wiens St. John, newly minted college graduate and an aspiring Episcopal priest. I knew I wanted to be a pastor going into college. I also knew that pastors of my generation can’t avoid the question of our “dying” church. Why is it dying? What can we do to fix it? Should we even be trying to fix it at all?

Welcome to Reformation 4.0!

My quest for answers turned into a passion for data. Church data, to be precise. Now, I spend most of my time researching successful, thriving Protestant churches and connecting the dots between them.

What do they all have in common? Why are so many churches around the country struggling? (Hint: it actually has very little to do with Millennials being a secular generation.) What can they learn from successful role models?

I’ve conducted dozens of interviews and spent weeks in on-site observation around the country, and I’m not done yet. I’m taking this data, digesting it, and putting it together for you, on Reformation 4.0. 

If you’re the pastor of a church that’s ready to reenvision, I’d love to consult with you using my data and perspective. Feel free to fill out my contact form to see if we’d be a good fit. I’m looking forward to talking with you!

Head over to my blog for a taste of my data and its application to current secular and religious news. I’ll share a Millennial/GenZ perspective on what’s amazing about church and what desperately needs fixing. And I can’t wait to interact with you about your hopes and dreams for Christianity in the 21st century.