Church Consulting: My Data

I never thought I’d be in the business of church consulting.

But in fall 2018, I began research on my senior thesis. My plan was to visit two thriving, progressive Protestant churches. I wanted to see why they were doing so well when so many other churches were failing.

The two churches were so different: one was a non-denominational church in the Midwest, the other an urban, liberal Lutheran congregation. But to my surprise, they shared so many commonalities–from their Eucharistic theology, to their staffing, to their mid-week activities.

My senior thesis ended up being three times its intended length. Which is when I decided I might have stumbled on a career in church consulting. I’ve conducted close to forty interviews, spent weeks in on-site observation, and spent hundreds of hours analyzing the data.

Lots of my findings can be found in my blog. But maybe that’s not enough.

Maybe your church attendance is dwindling and the stewardship numbers are keeping you up at night. Perhaps you’ve redecorated your sanctuary or changed the music or redesigned your website and you didn’t get the desired result. Maybe you see other churches dwindling in your community, and you’re worried you might be next. If that’s the case, I hope you’ll reach out to me. I’d be honored to use my data to help discern what Reformation 4.0 looks like for your congregation.