Protestants, Let’s Give Individual Confession Another Chance

Pastor blessing congregant

Growing up, individual confession was a relic of another time in another Church. I’d seen examples in movies like Sound of Music and The Nun’s Story. My Protestant grandmother told me about being left in the car each week as a teenager, while her Catholic friend was forced to go confession with her family. 

Another friend, who had memorized the Latin Mass in its entirety as a pre-Vatican II altar boy, entertained me with stories of made-up confessions to prank the priests. But from the perspective of the twenty-first century, individual confession didn’t feel very relevant, even in the Masses I attended with friends.

Then, I visited my grandfather in Italy. While in Rome, we visited Santa Maria Maggiore, a massive basilica second only to the Vatican itself in size and reputation. Twenty or thirty confessionals lined the walls. 

There weren’t even any pews—the confessionals were the only furniture. It was a stunning architectural statement, completely refocusing attention on a sacrament that was relatively obscure—or so I had thought. 

Each confessional bore flags, often three or four, representing the languages spoken by the priests inside. Red and green lights indicated whether the priest was inside. Most were green, and numerous people lined up in front of confessionals bearing the flag of their country. 

It felt like stepping into another ecclesiological world, one where individual confessions were an important part of many Christians’ lives.

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

Of course, in most places, confession is greatly diminished in importance. Since Vatican II, Catholics are normally only required to confess once a year. In mainline Protestantism, it’s been largely abolished for centuries. 

Among Protestants, the greatest focus on individual confessions is undoubtedly in the Episcopal Church, but there’s not much focus there to begin with. The 1978 Book of Common Prayer lays out very few exhortations about the sacrament, other than saying it is open to anyone at any time.

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

Most Episcopal priests do not offer scheduled times for confession, except sometimes on Ash Wednesday or Good Friday. And, perhaps more to the point, it’s not a big part of Episcopal church culture.

I never really noticed any of this, except to appreciate confession’s diminished importance. In the stories I had heard, individual confession was just another instrument used to create shame. 

All that changed a few months ago. Thanks to my YouTube algorithms, I discovered a new group of vloggers (video bloggers) and social media influencers:  young, devout women who were returning to various aspects of traditional Catholicism.

I know I just lost some of you at “traditional Catholicism.” Hang with me here.

Kneeler with bells for Catholic Eucharist
Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

Before we go further, I want to note that I do not believe that confession to a clergy member is necessary for salvation. I certainly do not think that it should be a mandatory part of a church’s teaching, as it was for my grandmother’s friend. In my opinion, the shame and guilt surrounding the pre-Vatican II confessional is spiritually and mentally unhealthy.


The women I found online were embracing regular confession for a completely different set of reasons. They didn’t just talk about it as a form of obedience to Church teaching. Rather, they embraced it because they found that individual confession can radically reshape Christians’ lives and their relationships with God.

Individual confession in an office
Photo by Annie Theby on Unsplash

Of course, there might be important adaptations that need to take place for a Protestant context–adaptations that will differ for each denomination. But here’s the bottom line:  we can encourage confession to clergy or other trusted people as a means of spiritual growth, without deeming it necessary for salvation.

Why is it so important, though? Why might the mainline Protestant church consider individual confession as a means of spiritual growth?

1. Confession reshapes lives through the discipline of recollection. 

Have you ever had a spiritual practice that involved recollecting your day or week? Maybe at the end of each year, you go over the previous twelve months? If so, you’ve probably experienced how helpful it can be to identify life patterns and reflect on whether they’re useful.

Sign saying "confession" in three languages
Photo by Annie Theby on Unsplash

Regular confession builds this practice in. People who go to confession prepare by spending time looking back over the last seven days. They recall the times they followed God’s call and the times they didn’t.

The Catholic women I watched measured their actions against a variety of yardsticks. Some use the Ten Commandments or another Biblical set of guidance. Others use meditations or guidance from their church leadership. The method isn’t the point—it can easily change depending on denominational or personal beliefs.

This practice of recollection is not new, even outside of confession. St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, also asked his followers to review their relationship with God each day in a prayer called the Examen. He knew that simply recollecting each week allows us to recognize healthy and unhealthy patterns in our lives—and to start changing them.

2.  Confession can reshape lives by curtailing shame.

Person holding arms wide on a beach
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Shame researcher Brene Brown explains that “if we share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive. If we share our shame story with the wrong person, they can easily become one more piece of flying debris in an already dangerous storm.” 

As I talked about two weeks ago, postmodern technology leaves very few places for people to safely confess experiences of shame. And, even if we have other, trustworthy people in our life, there are going to be things we can’t confess to them. 

Sometimes you have to keep things private from your loved ones for their own sake. Other times, you simply can’t bring yourself to tell them something that might ruin the relationship.

Man praying on a park bench
Photo by Martin Péchy on Unsplash

Yet the alternative—keeping things entirely to ourselves—breeds more shame. That’s where individual confession comes in. You can probably think of a time when a secret ate you up—maybe it even caused mental health problems or spurred you to make a decision you regret.

Confessing in a private setting, to a safe person, can help shame have less hold. Of course, too often, clergy have been the “wrong person” to share shameful stories with. That’s a place where the culture around individual confession needs to change.

3.  Confession can reshape lives by reminding us of forgiveness. 

Each individual confession concludes with an absolution. Traditionally, it often includes encouragement from the clergy. 

While forgiveness is a central part of the Christian tradition, most people could benefit from a regular reminder about it. When we’re forgiven after listing our sins, it’s harder to pretend that forgiveness doesn’t apply to us, or that it somehow can’t cover what we just did.

Of course, for some people, forgiveness after confession is also associated with shame. For those people, an absolution that focuses on our Belovedness, rather than forgiveness, might be more appropriate and equally transformative.

Someone raising their hands in worship
Photo by Carlos Arthur M.R on Unsplash

4.  Confession reshapes lives by creating accountability. 

In the Catholic tradition, this usually involves a certain series of prayers. As I’ve discussed throughout this series, clergy can use a number of other ways to facilitate reconciliation, growth, and reformed behavior. 

They can ask them to seek professional psychological help. Or join a support group. Or take up a gratitude practice, like appreciating a family member once a day throughout the week.

Two buffalos butting heads
Photo by Uriel Soberanes on Unsplash

Many pastors preach about practices that their entire congregation can use to reform. And that’s very helpful. 

But sometimes, those practices need to be personalized. And some congregants who are struggling with big problems might also need a clergy member to help keep them accountable.

5. Confession reshapes lives through regularity. 

Currently, I go to confession once a year on Ash Wednesday. There’s no way I can remember all of my sins from the year—I can’t even remember all of the big ones. Even if I did, there’s nowhere near enough time to go through everything. 

But more importantly, throughout that year, shame has built up. It’s become easier to buy into the stories that beat me down and tell me there’s no hope of being forgiven. And I’ve lost months of opportunities for accountability and focused spiritual growth.

Man kneeling on the beach

In other words, going once a year can defeat the point. In order to fully reap the benefits above, confession needs to be regular.

I get that this idea of regular, individual confession is going way out on a limb for most of my readers. And not so long ago, I was pretty skeptical, too. Individual confession is just such a foreign concept in mainline Protestant culture. 

But it’s important to recognize that it doesn’t have to look like Catholic or Episcopal confession. You don’t even have to call it confession—you can call it spiritual direction or just “Honest Talk with Pastor X.” It can happen in your office or over technology. 

Individual confession taking place over coffee
Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

And it definitely doesn’t need to be a huge drag on your time. If you want to minimize the time per person, you can teach your parishioners to prepare for confession ahead of time and ask them to save chit-chat for coffee hour.

Traditionally, in Catholic churches where confession is regularly practiced, it only takes three-to-five minutes per person. For an average congregation, once they get comfortable with the practice, that’s only an hour or two out of your week.

But the difference it can make is profound.

Do you think individual confession could help your church? Comment below, and let me know!

Reclaiming Confession in Lent

Cross against sunrise

What’s your reaction when you think about confession? Do you feel revulsion? Fear? Anxiety?

If so, you’re not alone. Last week, we talked about the Christian theology that made confession such a prominent part of Christian worship in the first place. But over the millennia, confession has become synonymous with guilt and shame. For some, it evokes an image of an angry, vindictive God, demanding guilt and self-denial in exchange for salvation.

Over the last few decades though, especially in mainline spaces, there’s been a move away from guilt and shame-filled theology. Researchers and cultural influencers like Brené Brown have led a shift toward more forgiving, loving understandings of ourselves and others. Liturgy that points to a judgmental Lord is disappearing in favor of more loving, mercy-filled depictions of the Divine.

If you ask me, this move is a good thing. So why do we need to be reclaiming confession?

Confession as Reconciliation, not Shame

Sign that says "repent"
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

I believe wholeheartedly that Christ came to take away our guilt and shame, not to increase it. Different theology disagrees on whether he did so through his life, death, or resurrection. But the result is the same. 

It makes sense, therefore, to move away from aspects of our traditional liturgy that heap shame onto “hopelessly sinful” believers.

Yet, as humans, we all have times when we don’t respond to God’s love, when we act out of fear, instead. (For the purposes of convenience, in this article, I’ll refer to those moments as “sin.” But feel free to substitute whatever term you prefer.)

Person with face buried in hands
Photo by @plqml // felipe pelaquim on Unsplash

These occasions can slowly tear us down, wearing on our relationships with God and those around us. Sometimes, they wreak havoc.

This is where confession comes in. In the Catholic and Episcopal churches, confession is often known as the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sure, we are confessing our sins. But that’s not the end goal. The end goal is to reconcile with God, with ourselves, and with those we have hurt. 

The “Sacrament of Reconciliation” emphasizes that we are not confessing in order to consign ourselves to the dark corner of shame. Rather, it’s about bringing our wounds into the light, where God can heal them. It’s actually about banishing shame, in order to enable reconciliation with God and others.

Light in the darkness
Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

Maybe your church or denomination doesn’t celebrate confession as an individual sacrament. Maybe it’s instead meant to be done in worship, or in small groups.

It doesn’t really matter how we do it. The important thing is that we, as the Church, provide a space for that all-important process of confession and reconciliation.

What happens when we don’t confess?

When we take confession out of our churches, it doesn’t automatically end the shame or guilt people feel about their sins. Instead, removing confession implies that sinfulness either:

  1. doesn’t happen
  2. doesn’t need healing, or 
  3. is something that should be kept secret and dealt with outside of church, through private prayer or secular therapists

I would argue strenuously that none of these assumptions is true. Obviously, we know that all of us sin, in ways big and small, on a regular basis. Nobody is perfect. As far as I know, no one is debating that.

So if we can all agree that sin happens, then we need to talk about healing. And healing isn’t something that we can just create by ourselves, much of the time. Especially when we are talking about larger patterns of destructive behavior—addiction, abusing others, etc.

Woman holding finger to mouth
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Confession opens the door to that healing by bringing our pain into the light and seeking the help of God, through trusted members in our community. When we don’t confess, we let wounds fester. And often, we are more likely to make the same mistake next time.

But it is also crucial that that healing happens in religious contexts, not only in secular therapy or private prayer. 

In my last article, I mentioned that an interviewee wanted church to be a place where he could confess his worst sins, where he could confess adultery or drunkenness, abuse or addiction. Yet topics of that magnitude rarely see the light of day in average, mainline congregations. 

Shunning these prevalent issues implies that there is no room for deep brokenness in church. There may not be explicit shaming or guilt, but the very lack of discussion teaches that such matters should be kept secret or dealt with outside of church, if at all.

To Millennials in particular, this silence can reinforce the notion that church isn’t relevant. If you’re not speaking to the most important issues in their lives, they’re not going to come.

Millennial on floor with book
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

So . . . how can we be reclaiming confession?

Doesn’t this leave us between a rock and a hard place, then? If confessions traditionally have heaped guilt upon “unworthy sinners,” and no confession creates secrecy and shame by implication, how do we proceed?

This is part of the work of today’s Reformation:  figuring out how to be reclaiming confession in a healthy, shame-free way. We need to create patterns of confession that meet the spiritual needs of those around us.

To that end, here are a few key ideas for reclaiming confession in your community:

Reclaiming confession by healing old wounds

Woman reclaiming confession against sunset
Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash

You personally may or may not have been wounded by previous expressions of confession. But very likely, some people in your congregation have been. 

I heard several stories from interviewees who had been seriously hurt by confession in their childhood churches. One had even been in a denomination and family that had tied physical abuse to the practice. 

While this extreme is probably rare, it’s important to detangle guilt, shame, and angry God theology from the practice of confessing the ways we wound and have been wounded. This can be done in a sermon, adult education class, or simply a little talk during announcements.

Man reclaiming confession on the labrynth
Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

You know what best serves your congregation. But it’s important to assume that there will be some people, at least, who have a rocky history with the subject and need pastoral care before fully embracing a new form of confession.

Reclaiming confession by focusing on doing, not being

When confession focuses on our worthiness, it misses the mark by fixating on who we are, not on our actions or words. 

As believers in Jesus Christ, our worthiness is not on the table for negotiation. Death has lost its sting. Nothing can separate us from the love of God.  

Instead, confession must focus on our actions. What gets in the way of enacting love for ourselves, God, and our neighbors? Then, confession can help us trust that transparency is a powerful path to wholeness. 

To this end, craft or choose confession liturgy, either corporate or individual, that focuses on action, not being. In the absolution, emphasize reassurances of forgiveness and love.

Reclaiming confession with practical paths to healing

Roman Catholics traditionally assigned penance, time in prayer, to strengthen souls so that they wouldn’t commit the same sin twice.

People supporting each other with hands
Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash

Evangelicals often use small groups (Sandals Church in Southern California is a great example). If you confess to a megachurch pastor that you’re yelling at your child a lot, they probably have a support group for busy parents to read Scripture, pray, and give each other advice. 

If your marriage on the rocks, they may point you to a group for married couples, along with the phone numbers of trusted therapists in the area. And so on for a variety of other issues.

Maybe it makes sense to assign individuals a prayer practice. Maybe you want to give people lists of resources in your church and town. Perhaps, if you realize many people are struggling with the same issue, you want to preach about it.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

But providing concrete resources shows your congregation that confession isn’t just going through liturgical motions. It’s a very serious path that combines spirituality and practicality to create real growth in relationships with God and the people around us.

In other words, make it clear that your version of confession is true reconciliation.